کارت خرید

RapidSSL Certificates
· Fast issuance and easy install
· 99+% browser support
· Up to 256-bit SSL encryption
· Free reissues
· Free support by web and email
· $10,000 warranty
RapidSSL Wildcard
RapidSSL® Wildcard Features
· Unlimited subdomains secured
· Fast issuance and easy install
· 99+% browser support
· Up to 256-bit SSL encryption
· Free reissues
· Free support by web and email
· $5,000 warranty
QuickSSL Premium
GeoTrust® QuickSSL® Premium
domain control validation, up to 256-bit encryption, 2048-bit root, $100K USD warranty, GeoTrust dynamic True Site Seal trustmark. issued in minutes, 1-4 year validity options. Cost-effective unlimited server licenses, unlimited free reissues for certificate lifetime. support for more than 99% of browsers and most mobile device browsers. Secure domain.com for free when you order www.domain.com
True BusinessID
GeoTrust® True BusinessID
business identity authentication, up to 256-bit encryption, 2048-bit root. $250K USD warranty, GeoTrust dynamic True Site Seal trustmark. issued in 1-2 business days, 1-4 year validity options. unlimited server licenses, unlimited free reissues for certificate lifetime. support for more than 99% of browsers and most mobile device browsers. secure domain.com for free when you order www.domain.com. UC/SAN / Multi-Domain options available.
True BusinessID Wildcard
GeoTrust® True BusinessID Wildcard
Secure all hostnames on a given domain with inexpensive, flexible, and convenient SSL. business identity authentication, up to 256-bit encryption, 2048-bit root. $125K USD warranty, GeoTrust dynamic True Site Seal trustmark. issued in 1-2 business days, 1-4 year validity options. unlimited server licenses, unlimited free reissues for certificate lifetime. support for more than 99% of browsers and most mobile device browsers. secure domain.com for free when you order *.domain.com
GeoTrust® True BusinessID with EV
GeoTrust® True BusinessID with
Extended Validation (EV)
Save time and money with an inexpensive and convenient EV SSL certificate. Show customers you care about their security by getting your EV SSL certificate from a credible security company. Protect your brand from phishing schemes by using the strongest, high security SSL certificate. business identity authentication, strong 256-bit encryption, 2048-bit root. $500K USD warranty, GeoTrust dynamic True Site Seal trustmark. issued in up to 10 days, 1-2 year validity options. secure domain.com for free when you order www.domain.com
Thawte® SSL123 Certificate
Thawte® SSL123 Certificates have the fastest issuance time to quickly enable encrypted connections to your web server. This domain-only validation SSL Certificate provides up to 256-bit encryption for web-based applications that are not at risk for phishing or fraud. SSL123 Certificates include domain authentication, the Thawte® Trusted Site Seal, free reissues, and a 30-day money back guarantee.
Thawte® Web Server Certificate
Thawte® SSL Web Server Certificates secure confidential information exchanged online and confirm your site’s identity to employees, business partners, and other users. When users click the Thawte® Trusted Site Seal or view certificate details, your organization name appears and shows that Thawte, a trusted certificate authority, has verified the site’s identity. SSL Web Server Certificates include full organization authentication, the Thawte Trusted Site Seal, free reissues, and a 30-day money back guarantee.
Thawte® SGC SuperCert
Thawte® SGC SuperCerts help keep online transactions secure by enabling every web site visitor to experience the strongest SSL encryption available to them. Most SSL certificates are capable of strong encryption (128-bit or higher), however, certain older browsers and operating systems cannot step-up to 128-bit encryption unless an SSL certificate with SGC technology is used. SGC SuperCerts include SGC, full organization authentication, the Thawte® Trusted Site Seal, free reissues, and a 30-day money back guarantee.
Thawte® Wildcard Server Certificate
Thawte® Wildcard SSL Certificates secure multiple subdomains with a single SSL Certificate, reducing management time and cost. Using the wildcard notation (an asterisk and period before your domain name) allows you to extend security to different subdomains based on your top-level domain name. Wildcard SSL Certificates include full organization validation, the Thawte® Trusted Site Seal, free reissues and a 30-day money back guarantee.